Smart system is a free infusion for content management system PHP-Fusion which allows you to install themes, infusions, panels directly on your own site.
Version 3.0 for PHP-Fusion All, 16 September 2012
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Danish Local
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Smart System's language file
Prefered language: Danish
Translated by Matt Madsen
Produced by FDTD Designer (FILON)

$locale['smart_001'] = "Smart System";
$locale['smart_002'] = "Addons database med automatisk installation";
$locale['smart_003'] = "Addons database";
$locale['smart_004'] = " - ";
$locale['smart_005'] = "Smart manager";
$locale['smart_006'] = "Addons liste blev succesfuldt opdateret!";
$locale['smart_007'] = "Kan ikke forbinde til serveren! <br /> Prøv venligst igen senere.";
$locale['smart_008'] = "Slå JavaScript til korrekt bearbejdning af systemet!";
$locale['smart_009'] = "Addons manager";
$locale['smart_010'] = "Tilgængelig addons";
$locale['smart_011'] = "Nuværende ændring";
$locale['smart_012'] = "Temaer";
$locale['smart_013'] = "Paneler";
$locale['smart_014'] = "Infusions";
$locale['smart_015'] = "Temaer blev ikke fundet!";
$locale['smart_016'] = "Paneler blev ikke fundet!";
$locale['smart_017'] = "Infusions blev ikke fundet!";
$locale['smart_018'] = "Installere...";
$locale['smart_019'] = "Installer";
$locale['smart_020'] = "Skub ned";
$locale['smart_021'] = "Skub op";
$locale['smart_022'] = "Skift dias";
$locale['smart_023'] = "Loader...";
$locale['smart_024'] = "Eksempel";
$locale['smart_025'] = "Om tilføjelsen";
$locale['smart_026'] = "Kompatibel: ";
$locale['smart_027'] = "Størrelse: ";
$locale['smart_028'] = "Type: ";
$locale['smart_029'] = "Titel: ";
$locale['smart_030'] = "Forfatter: ";
$locale['smart_031'] = "Udgivet: ";
$locale['smart_032'] = "Tom";
$locale['smart_033'] = "Ukendt";
$locale['smart_034'] = "Beskrivelse";
$locale['smart_035'] = "Vælg addon fra listen til venstre.";
$locale['smart_036'] = "Aktuel statistik";
$locale['smart_037'] = "Installerede pakker: ";
$locale['smart_038'] = "Tilgængelige pakker: ";
$locale['smart_039'] = "Database udgivelsesdatoen: ";
$locale['smart_040'] = "Database opdateret: ";
$locale['smart_041'] = "Opdater addons liste";
$locale['smart_042'] = "Der opstod en fejl mens vi opdaterer en database!";
$locale['smart_043'] = "Kan ikke finde en passende parameter som addon identificator.";
$locale['smart_044'] = "Dataene blev med held pakket ud i den ønskede mappe!<br />Nu kan du installere det fra Admin Panel.";
$locale['smart_045'] = "Arkivet med data er beskadiget og kan ikke pakkes ud!";
$locale['smart_046'] = "Der opstod en fejl, mens vi indlæset en data!";
$locale['smart_047'] = "Addons liste, er ikke opnået! <br /> Prøv venligst igen senere.";
$locale['smart_048'] = "Serveren er ikke tilgængelig! <br /> Prøv venligst igen senere.";

Thanks. Smile I will add it into the next version of infusion.
If you can't make it good, at least make it look good. © William Henry Gates III
Added into Smart System 1.0 because your locale have not enough lines to add into 2.0 version.
If you can't make it good, at least make it look good. © William Henry Gates III
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